Monday, October 20, 2014

Frequently Asked GK Questions in competitive Exams

Frequently Asked GK Questions in competitive Exams

1)  Who is India's first Woman Grand Master in Chess ?- Koneru Humpy

2) During the Mughal period, which one of the following were the first to come to India as traders ?- Portuguese

3) Who among the following Delhi Sultans is known for introducing market control mechanism ?- Alauddin Khalji

4) Which one of the following mountain peaks of the Himalayas is NOT in India ?- Annapurna

5) The creator of Sherlock Holmes' was- Arthur Conan Doyle

6) The Parliament of Afghanistan is- Shora

7) India first took part of the Olympic Games in the year- 1920

8) The largest coal producing state in India is- Jharkhand

9) Days and Nights are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above-Equator

10) Which one of the following was an associated state of India before becoming a full fledged state ? - Sikkim

11) Railway is a subject on the- state list

12)  How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post ? - Any number of times

14) Which of the following gases is used for refrigeration ? - Ammonia

15) Who is called the Flying Sikh of India ? - Milkha Singh

16) Nobel Prizes are distributed annually at- Stockholm

17) The first satellite to be sent into space was- Sputnik

18) The book 'A wounded civilisation' was written by- V. S. Naipaul

19)  Ajanta paintings depict scenes from the- Jatakas

20) The President rule of a state can be continued for a maximum period of-  6 month

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