Current Affairs are the most important part of any competitive exam. By reading 10 to 15 minutes we can get the good marks. Apart from Marks we could know the contemporary world. Daily Current Affairs will be posted here . Keep visiting. 

  • Ø  PDF file of Current Affairs October 2014 – Click Here
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of September 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of August 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of June 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of May 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of April 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of March 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of February 2014
  • Ø  CLICK HERE for the Current Affairs of January 2014

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