Audio & Video Lectures

      Medieval History Audio Lectures

Medieval History Part 1 Audio - Harsha's Rule and Conquest

Chalukyas of Kalyani and Chlaukyas of Vengi - Audio Lecture Part 5

Hoyasalas and Yadavas of Devagiri - Audio Lecture Part 6

Sangam Tamil Literature - Audio Lecture Part 7

Indian Polity and Constitution

Article 12 to 14 & Limitations on Fundamental Rights - Audio Lecture Part 2 - NEW

Introduction to the the Fundamental Rights - Part 1 Audio Lecture - NEW

Important Articles of the Indian Constitution - Audio Lecture

Important Features of Indian Constitution - Audio Lecture

Schedules of the Indian Constitution - Audio Lecture

Regulating Act of 1773 - Audio Lecture

Pitt's India Act of 1784 - Audio Lecture

Charter Act of 1833 - Audio Lecture

Charter Act of 1853 - Audio Lecture

Government of India Act of 1858 - Audio Lecture

Indian Council Act of 1861 - Audio Lecture

Indian Council Act of 1892 - Audio Lecture

Indian Council Act of 1909 - Minto Morley Reforms - Audio Lecture

Government of India Act of 1919-Montagu Chelmsford Reforms-Audio Lecture

a. Introduction to the Fundamental Rights of the Indian Constitution
b. Features of Fundamental Rights
c. Article 12 of the Indian Constitution
d. Article 13 of the Indian Constitution

Fundamental Rights (Part 3 of Constitution) - Audio Lecture 2

a. Article 14 of the Indian Constitution
b. Article 15 of the Indian Constitution
c. Article 16 of the Indian Constitution
d. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution
e. Article 18 of the Indian Constitution

Article 19 & 20 of the Constitution

Article 370 - Special Status of Jammu & Kashmir - Audio Lecture

Understanding Plate Tectonic Theory and Continental Drift

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